There are those who give little of the much
Which they have – and they give it for
Recognition and their hidden desire make
Their gifts unwholesome
Kahlil Gibran
Blurred vision- Indistinct outlines of reality
Cross eyed- Everything turns toward each other
Cataract- Lens becomes opaque causing
Partial blindness
Detached retina- Images stop forming at the back
Of the eyes
Blindness- Lacks perception or judgment
Without the power of sight
He suffers from a severe malady – It is his I
Unable to see beyond himself – Performing in a team sport
We appreciate his talents – Not his selfishness
Mad and angry at everyone – Believing the world owes him a living
There is no joy in watching him – Just disgust at wasted potential
Guarding his soul from all eyes
He pushes away any hand that reaches out
We regret he will never know the experience of friendship
He is an I specialist
Fails to see in giving there is receiving
Grumbles and walks away from those who ask to share
Looks at people
Does not see them
We hope he gets better with time
Which is supposed to heal all wounds?
A very talented young man
Who has not found out how to form a partnership with others
We is only a word in French to him
There is no I in team – it is an old expression
Until he realizes that he will remain angry and selfish
He is a pair of brown shoes
The team a tuxedo
He is an I specialist!
Bill Raynor
MassBay CC
Director of Athletics, Recreation and Wellness
50 Oakland st.
Wellesley Hills, Ma. 02481
781-239-2664 (office)
781-239-2669 (Fax)