Thursday, April 3, 2008

Black Glamour original poem by j. hardy hanlon

Black Glamour

j. hardy hanlon

What Becomes a Legend Most?

Every Housewife's Dream in the 1950's

Was to own a Ranch

Think Mink Coat or Sable

Stole is What Lucy got on I Love Lucy

Dick Mentioned his Wife

Pat Didn't Dress Extravagantly

She Only Wore a Clothe Coat

Little Julie Named her Pooch Checkers

Dick Just Couldn't Bear to Take it Away

He said no not a Puppy From his Daughter

Dick Explained That day in September in a Speech

He Went on TV for the Whole World to Hear

Dick Admitted Accepting the Gift

Foreign Ambassador's Give Only to our Country

She Named the Cocker Spaniel Checkers

I was Born on That Very day in September

Dick Nixon Gave his Famous Checkers Speech

I Still Wonder. No, I Guess he wasn't a Croak

After all, What does Become a Legend Most?