Monday, April 14, 2008

Forever Waiting

Forever Waiting
written by K.Q. Carlin during illness exacerbated by the slothful health insurance industry
Forever waiting for...
...appointments to be made.
...someone to call back.
...lines to wane.
...forms to fill.
...a room to empty.
...a nurse to come.
...a scale to calculate.
...a doctor to knock. be touched.
...a diagnosis I already know.
...a decision...pills or no?
...another room to empty.
...another nurse to call.
...blood to fill the tubes.
...everything to repeat...
...the next day.
...all it's events. to approve,
or not.
...the emotions that will come.
...a therapist to ask questions.
...a silence to lead on. hour to end.
...the car.
All of this comes.
Their wait ends,
yet beings again.
But still all this patience
must lead to health.
It must.
Or stuck I shall be
...forever waiting.