I sometimes try to figure out the color of the sunshine.
I wonder does it have the color of a white wine
Or does it shine like a shoeshine?
It doesn't look clear to me
And it doesn't look bright to me.
However, it does create many colors.
The sun creates different colors in harmony with the
Rain: blue, red, yellow, pink…..
The sun doesn't have vocal cords.
It still communicates with the rain.
The rain and the sun don't even need a referee or a
Judge. They naturally get along , they unify.
How do they come up with different colors?
For sure, it's natural phenomenon.
It is by unity.
The sun by itself cannot create a color.
The rain by itself cannot create a rainbow.
But the alliance of those two creates the impossible.
I have come to realize there is no me without the
Person, I. There is no us without you and I.
And there is no rainbow without either the rain or the sun.
The brightness of the Sun Shines On:
The Rain, On Nature and On human Nature to create:
Unity in Diversity: Red, Yellow, Brown, Black,
Pierre Antoine Desanges
Poems for professor Whalen From Student Pharah Dubuisson ENG-005