Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Promise -- By Francesa Lia Block
Summer - breathe your warmth into the cold whiteness
of my soul and skin
make me brown, nourish me, promise me...

There will be windows of light in our eyes
and laughter.

If only I could promise...

There will be thirsty, shimmering noons
with hot sand cascading between bare toes.
There will be evening
with the memory of sunshine on our burnished skins
There will be the song of the sea.

If only...

Summer - I am a child of rain-light.
I am a prisoner of noon corridors -
marking away time on the renaissance of so many moons,
watching time pass
vanishing like sand between bare toes.

Promise me...

I am growing up but let me be young
with light in my eyes
and sun on my skin.

--Submitted by Cristina Bastianelli

Francesa Lia Block is one of my favorite novelists. I wasn't aware that she wrote poetry untill we were asked to submit a poe m we enjoyed for poetry month and I began to search around.  I like how Blocke associates living with summer, as if every other season is just passing time until the sun returns.