I decided to send out this poem because I really liked how it runerd out. The poem was created by me for my Freshman English II class in the Summer of 2007.
Hope you will enjoy it just as much as I did.
-Adriana Tassini
"Hidden Fear"
Fear of what? And why?
As if nothing had a single value unless you valued it
Everything in life is about putting our lives in a big risk or change
But sometimes it is better if you don't risk
Because fear will come on your way and you won't know how to deal with that
The fear of losing something or somebody can be such an infernal and inexplicable pain
I know what I am saying because
I unluckily had felt this pain
I was dying my body was dying my heart was melting and I knew that something was burning deep inside of me
When I looked out the window I couldn't see anything but darkness
And inside that black veil I could see him walking slowly with his bag on his hands and another one hanging on his shoulder, aimless
I was in the other side of this darkness drowning in loneliness
I always knew that I had fear of living a lonely life
Fear of living my life without having parents or friends to share my journey with
But yesterday through that glass window
I found out that my biggest fear is the fear of losing him
Because losing him was not part of the plan.
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