Think, what did it feel like when you came to be?
Seduced shared space in life to addictively adore
Hopeless hope, you were the person I waited for
But eye’s wet waters as a mortal would never see
My mind’s skull throbbing with bloated emotions
Thinking, thinking, do not know what to say next
Thoughts surging, but not converging, now a vex
Much puncture pressure, regain balanced notions
What was it like inside brain’s pulsating unrest?
You enter the room. Tumorous oozing droplets
Just vaporize in currents of your surging outlets
Soft soothing muscles moving in my hairy chest
The past careening out through desperate clogs
Racing memories’ acidic bile ripping, rupturing
Panicky eyes veering to left, the right, crashing
Future, a restless wreck in life’s crunching cogs
What was it like when I held your forgiving skin?
Mind’s hands push back, grab past hopes, harms
Muscular bear arms embracing night. Despair’s
Dried bitter chaff wafting away on sleepless airs
What to tell you, my children? What it has been
Like to behold each of you as babies in my arms
Tom Parsons
Interim Dean