Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Beggin' to Differ in Good Nature

                                  ...in good nature

For starter all i wish to utter is
Thank you and thank you
For i philosophize and aknowledge
Rhythms of the isms surrounding us all
We don’t seem to know anymore

Democracy with its little hope on edge
Lights shine on the masses
The general pessissism lashes
Out goes the flame of dejection
Turned into mighty action
So we don’t seem to know anymore

I alone stand seemingly unaware
That the overall concensus is stoic
Without positive anchor to see
Sort through it all what is fair
We don’t seem to know anymore

Gatherin’ round like sheeps to the slaughter
We are to construe some sort of vital herd
No one is to be left behind
No one is to stand out bent
No one is to notice and fill the blank
How is one s’ppose to blink
Since all one does is to agree with nature
I suppose it is because we don’t know anymore

I imagine and observe
The true disregard for the divides
The unspeculated reasons
The “y”s and experiences left out
All not taken into considerations
Those things consider illusions
Acts and mimics of once hurt
Once dis-satisfied and pained hearts
I guess those no longer require thinking
We don’t need to know anymore

The many wrongs afflictions
Things we cling to in order to conform
Things we resort to as representing norms
With our souls today ever so careless
Like silhouettes dancing above shallow waters
And who’s to say that we are all the same
Who’s to say we are all alive
Even though standing well in time
Yet we don’t seem to know anymore

What would jesus do?
Well he would surely be damn saddened
Mouths generating misguided feelings
Rather than heart and soul analyzing
Projecting unappeasing eyes to the difference
The collective phobias must be sustained
We don’t seem to know anymore

Body language and stipulation of nothing
We say to be building a new form of order
The order to hate more than we can love
When do we sit to ask ourselves?
Happening? What if any?
What has become of our good ole nature?
We don’t seem to see clearly anymore

What has become of genuinity
What has become to altruism
What has become to trying a bit harder
To understand the depths of things
What has become to not rushing to judgment
Simply cause a certain familiar mass is in on it?
We don’t seem to care anymore
I beg to differ and my heart begs to love first…

Koré Van Baldwin 2008 © Copyright for Massbay